The Emperor, Who Is a Thousand Years Younger Than Me Is Obsessive

Genres: Fantasy , Romance , Shoujo , Magic








A thousand-year plan was ruined by a beautiful boy raised in the forest. In the end, Ariel abandoned the boy. 10 years later, that same boy, Cedric, who harbored a grudge for being abandoned, invades the forest. And Cedric, in the midst of the blazing fire that burns the forest, “Let’s get married, Ariel.” He proposed. Ariel, age-1000+, occupation-great wizard. (Special note: no magic power) I guess… I need to rewrite my life plan?!

Alternative Titles:

An Emperor 1000 Years Younger Than Me is Obsessed, An Emperor a Thousand Years Younger Than Me Is Obsessive, The Emperor, a Thousand Years Younger Than Me, Is Obsessed

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