Minerva, a duchess, has given up on marriage after two broken engagements. At a tea party she was forced to attend by Celica, an isekai person, the heartbroken Minerva is confronted by a man... "Stay away from me!" It was Rufus, the second prince of the empire, known as "The Dark Prince," widely feared as a capable but ruthless man! However, Celica, who does not care about court etiquette, starts to act rudely toward Rufus as well. Minerva quickly defends Rufus from the tyrannical Celica. Rufus takes notice of her resolute attitude, and asks her to stay with him...? The two gradually come to a know each other, and soon find themselves working together to deal with the disturbances caused by Celica and the other isekai people! While trying to solve the problem, they discover that Minerva has a special ability of her own......? See how the love pours out of the ruthless prince to heal the wounds in their hearts, as the doting fantasy romance begins! (Source: Over-Lap, translated)