Hwangjewaui Jamjarieseo Saranamneun Beop

(How to Survive Sleeping With the Emperor)








"It’s been several months since I became the Empire’s Queen, and I’ve been avoiding sleeping with the Emperor." A mighty empire led by the bloodline heirs of the Golden Dragon, ‘Dhart.’ And the emperor ‘Carmond’, the ruler of the empire. Lobelia, the princess of the Negrad family, who married him and became the Empress. Now that she had become the Empress of the Empire, it was only natural to prepare to carry the line of a powerful royal family. To do this, she has to go to bed with the emperor… but she finds herself in a situation where she has no choice but to refuse to sleep with Carmond for her ‘true purposes’…! Will she be able to survive not sleeping with the emperor and achieve her goal safely?

Alternative Titles:

Hwangjewaui Jamjarieseo Saranamneun Beop

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