Hoegwi Gyeongcharui Reset Life

(The Life of a Returning Officer)

Genres: Cops , Action , Drama , Fantasy








Choi Jong-Hyeok, captain of the intellectual crime unit, loses his mother and his own life to a mysterious mastermind for digging too deeply into a case. In his last moments, Jong-Hyeok catches a glimpse of the man who kills him before waking up as his 17-year-old self. To prevent his mother's death, Jong-Hyeok swears to hunt down the one responsible. Luckily, he has knowledge about the future and his experience as an officer. But will these tools be enough to catch the criminal that eluded him once? (Source: Tapas, edited)

Alternative Titles:

Comeback d'un flic, Police Returner's Reset Life, Regression Reset Life of Police, Regression Resets a Police Life, Reset Life of Regression Police, 回帰警察官のやり直し

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