Guin Saga

(The Guin Saga)

Genres: Fantasy , Adventure










The ancient kingdom of Parro has been invaded by the armies of Mongaul, and its king and queen have been slain. But the "twin pearls of Parro," the princess Rinda and the prince Remus, escape using a strange device hidden in the palace. Lost in the Forest of Rood, they are rescued from Mongaul soldiers by a strange leopard-headed man named Guin, who has no memories except for the word "Aurra." [Source: ANN]

Alternative Titles:

グイン・サーガ, Guin Saga

Top Light Novel like Guin Saga [2025 List]

Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu

(Legend of the Galactic Heroes)



The story is staged in the distant future within our own Milky Way Galaxy, approximately in the 35th century. Unlike other science fiction stories, there are no alien civilizations. A portion of the galaxy is filled with terraformed worlds inhabited by interstellar traveling human beings. For 150 years two mighty space powers have intermittently warred with each other: the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance. Within the Galactic Empire, based on 19th century Prussia, an ambitious military genius, Reinhard von Müsel, is rising to power. He is driven by the desire to free his sister Annerose, who was taken by the Kaiser as a concubine. Later, he wants not only to end the corrupt Goldenbaum dynasty but also to defeat the Free Planets Alliance and to unify the whole galaxy under his rule. In the Free Planets Alliance is another genius, Yang Wen-li. He originally aspired to become a historian, and joined the military only because he needed money for tuition. He was rapidly promoted to an admiral because of his demonstrated excellence in military strategy. He becomes the archrival of Reinhard, though they highly respect one another. As a historian, Yang often narrates the rich history of his world and comments on it. One of his famous quotes is: "There are few wars between good and evil; most are between one good and another good." Besides the two main heroes, the story is full of vivid characters and intricate politics. All types of characters, from high nobility, admirals and politicians, to common soldiers and farmers, are interwoven into the story. There is a third neutral power nominally attached to the Galactic Empire called the Phezzan Dominion, a planet-state (city-state on a galactic scale) which trades with both warring powers. There is also a Terraism cult, which claims that humans should go back to Earth, gaining popularity throughout the galaxy. The story frequently switches away from the main heroes to the Unknown Soldier fighting for his life on the battlefield. Contains 10 main volumes and 4 prequel volumes, as well as 5 uncollected short stories. Volumes 1-10 are entitled: Dawn (黎明篇); Ambition (野望篇); Biding His Time (雌伏篇); Strategem (策謀篇); A Hero's Chance (風雲篇); Soaring High (飛翔篇); Great Upheaval (怒濤篇); Chaos (乱離篇); Resurgence of Power (回天篇); Sunset (落日篇) (unofficial English translations, edited by MAL) Prequel Volumes 1-4 entitled: The Star Crusher (星を砕く者); Julian's Iserlohn Diary (ユリアンのイゼルローン日記); Hundred Billion Stars, Hundred Billion Lights (千億の星、千億の光); Spiral Labyrinth (螺旋迷宮) Short Stories: The Record of the Battle of Dagon (ダゴン星域会戦記) The Silver Valley (白銀の谷) Disgrace (汚名) Morning's Dream, Evening's Song (朝の夢、夜の歌) Golden Wings Won Seiun Award (Japanese science fiction award voted by fans) for Best Novel of the Year 1988. (Wikipedia)














His name is Guts, the Black Swordsman, a feared warrior spoken of only in whispers. Bearer of a gigantic sword, an iron hand, and the scars of countless battles and tortures, his flesh is also indelibly marked with The Brand, an unholy symbol that draws the forces of darkness to him and dooms him as their sacrifice. But Guts won't take his fate lying down; he'll cut a crimson swath of carnage through the ranks of the damned—and anyone else foolish enough to oppose him! Accompanied by Puck the Elf, more an annoyance than a companion, Guts relentlessly follows a dark, bloodstained path that leads only to death...or vengeance. (Source: Dark Horse) Notes: - Volumes 1-5 contain the 16 prequel chapters 0A - 0P. - Chapter 83 was omitted from Volume 13 due to the author’s request. - Volume 14 includes “Berserk: The Prototype”. - Due to the author's passing, starting from Chapter 365, the manga is illustrated by Studio Gaga (Miura's assistants) and supervised by Kouji Mori (a close friend of Miura's).










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