Genres: Adventure , Horror , Psychological , Science Fiction , Shoujo , Drama , Violence , Victorian Period
A collection of stories: 01. Hallucinations (Kubi Gensou, 首幻想) 02. Bog of the Living Dead (Ikiryou no Numa, 生霊の沼) 03. Penpal (Pen Friend, ペンフレンド) 04. Intruder (Shinnyuusha, 侵入者) 05. Further Tales of Oshikiri (Oshikiri Idan, 押切異談) 06. Further Tales of Oshikiri: The Walls (Oshikiri Idan: Zoku, 押切異談・続) 07. Frankenstein (フランケンシュタイン) 08. Hell'o Dollies (also titled A Doll's Hellish Burial) (Jigoku no Ningyou Sou, 地獄の人形葬) 09. Fixed Face (Ganmen Kotei, 顔面固定) 10. Ito Junji's Dog Diary (Nonnon Oyako, ノンノン親子) 11. Ito Junji's Dog Diary 2 (Nonnon Oyako no Kakurenbo, ノンノン親子のかくれんぼ) Note: Frankenstein won the Eisner Award for Best Adaptation from Another Work in 2019. (Source: MU)